Am I being the True Me? Definitely, at times... It can be hard to always be the "true you". In general, I love being an artist and am usually involved in some type of art. I have been a professional henna artist for 17 years, not including most of 2020 and 2021. I'm also a musical artist, a coach, a leader, a father, a husband, a son, a brother, a friend.

But that is not all I am. I'm also a product of my environment, a product of my childhood experiences, and am fortunate to be able to adapt to the changes in life.

I believe we all create a facade, or alternate persona, that we use to protect ourselves in unfamiliar scenarios.

I would say that I spend a lot of time doing things that I need to do for my business, my family, and my health. But doing the things that matter for myself are not as consistent in practice as the thought of needing to do so is.

Thank you Bruce for posing this question!

I'm looking forward to hearing more.

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Thank you Bruce - this resonates greatly! (unsurprised you are). And echo your thought that being our true selves helps us live with greater ease and meaning. ⭐️

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Great post, Bruce. I have a couple questions: Can there be more than one "true" me? Could the different personas be various facets of the "true" me allowing me to cope with a variety of situations?

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I'm intrigued for sure. I feel like we have to experience life a bit before we figure out that being me is the best me I can give. Excited for the blogs ahead!

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Thank you Bruce. Being a lawyer while being "true" me is the hardest challenge I need to win.

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Not easy to me to respond. In fact I fear I don't know much about me and I need to dig into myself and that scares me a little because I have to be sincere. Thank you I have some work to do with it. We all have to be true.

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