Delighted, Bruce, that you found Anita Hodosi and see intelligence in more dimensions. Your writing comes across now as being more grounded and finding peace with your present as well as some past experiences. Thanks for the demonstration of Claude for your specific situation.

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This is the force, the energy derived from what our mind, how can be useful in daily routine of human lives. I called it the power of the mind. The purpose of reaching the level of divine. If you have have watched “The last Airbender ”, an Avatar movie, one can see the power of the mind of Water Bender how she (the character) was able to master the techniques Thru concentration & focus using the mind. Our minds are the most powerful tool that we can harness for all levels of success in life. Our thoughts shape who we are and who we will become, as well as influencing our physical well-being and our emotional state.

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Ok reality bent?

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