Our Community

BEND REALITY is a community founded in Bend, Oregon that includes members from around the world. Our purpose is to help each other lead such expansive lives that “miracles” start to happen.

As a community, we operate according to a few simple principles:

No egos, rules or rigid methodologies: There are no “teachers” or “students” here. We are all curious and compassionate people exploring together.

Stretch beyond 3D: Many of us believe that the physical 3D world we perceive with our senses is only a small fraction of the true, broader reality . This concept is tied to the belief that there are deeper, hidden spiritual dimensions that are not easily accessible to human perception. We welcome people who are motivated to explore and learn beyond the 3D world.

Many doors, many paths: There are numerous ways to explore the 95%: meditation, breathwork, plant medicine, yoga, mindfulness and lucid dreaming are a few.

Since your environment always wins, to be more expansive you should surround yourself with expansive people. That’s the whole goal of our new community: to help you surround yourself with more expansive people.

It’s tricky to get the balance right, because our definition of “expansive” shifts as we grow. To offer a simple example, let’s say you decide to write a book. For the next year, you stretch your comfort zone and surmount numerous obstacles, in what absolutely qualifies as expansive behavior. Your book comes out to a decent amount of critical acclaim. You get excited, which is normal, but eventually this causes you to promote promote promote the book. That is contractive behavior.

In a similar manner, it might be expansive behavior to move past your fears and expand your business, until one day you realize your most important personal relationships are suffering. At this point, it might be expansive behavior to refocus on your relationships.

Most of us lack the self-awareness to properly calibrate our expansion efforts without a healthy dose of peer support.

If this sounds interesting, please reach out to us.