Wow - one of your best posts Bruce. For me, very inspiring as it reinforces the my thinking that Chat is an opportunity we all have to learn. How to work with chat as a tool and not as a one and done solution.

Chat and AI are tools. We are the carpenters.

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Thank you for joining in on this AI chatter….. there are those out there in the tech world who are calling for a halt - take a break - this is a runaway train… anyone listening?! Chatgpt?

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Interesting experiment. Sadly, ChatGPT declared my name is too common or I am not noteworthy enough for it to draft a reply. Still, your reflective comment, "my depth of knowledge about Bruce Kasanoff is deep" got me thinking...what if we instead ask ChatGPT the question "what does Bruce Kasanoff know about Bruce Kasanoff?" The answer is briefer and seems factually more correct, or perhaps the AI tool learned from its prior attempt.

ChatGPT: "Bruce Kasanoff is a writer, speaker, and innovation strategist who focuses on the intersection of business, technology, and human relationships. He is the founder of Now Possible, a company that helps individuals and organizations generate innovative ideas and bring them to life.

Kasanoff is also the author of several books, including "How to Self-Promote without Being a Jerk" and "I Am: Escape Distractions, Unlock Your Imagination & Unleash Your Potential." He has contributed articles to Forbes, Fast Company, and Harvard Business Review, among other publications.

Kasanoff is known for his insights on personal branding, networking, creativity, and leadership. He frequently speaks at conferences and corporate events, and has consulted with a wide range of companies, from startups to Fortune 500 companies."

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When I asked ChatGPT to "Tell me about Steve Slaunwhite" the information was mostly accurate. However, when I asked it to tell a few more Interesting things about Steve Slaunwhite, it said I played in several bands over the years (not true), I won the John Caples International Award (I wish, not but true), and I'm a collector of classic cars (not true.) Most egregious, it said I was the inventor of the "7-step copywriting process" and taught the technique all over the world. The only reference to that technique I can find is from a copywriter in Australia. If someone quoted me as the originator of that technique, the Australian copywriter would have good reason to be seriously pissed.

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I love your 7-step copywriting process, Steve! So good!

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Now I'm not sure who wrote this posting...

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Call me old-fashioned, but I don't trust ChatGPT. Probably never will. Thank you, Bruce, for sharing. So many people are amped up about this application, but few want to dig deeply to really gauge its reliability and accuracy. It needs to be vetted again and again and again. One day it will probably be accurate and reliable. However, with the information out on the web changing constantly I have to ask: Will ChatGPT ever catch up or will it, like people, also be prone to believing the vast amount of misinformation that is out there?

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